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Mission and Philosophy

Our Mission

UK St. Claire's mission is to proclaim God's goodness through a healing ministry to the people of Eastern Kentucky.

Our Vision

Dedicated to a Catholic Christian healing ministry, UK St. Claire, in partnership with our healthcare providers, will be distinguished as a trusted health care organization and employer. We will be recognized for:

  • Providing clinical and service excellence in a personalized manner;
  • Building a leading integrated medical community that provides a seamless system of care and education; and
  • Enhancing the quality of life of the individuals and communities we serve by prompting physical, spiritual, social and emotional well-being.

Our Core Values

  • DIGNITY - Because life is a sacred gift from God, we treat each person with courtesy and respect. Christian values influence our decisions and characterize our relationships.
  • COMPASSION - Our ministry touches the core of life, therefore, we provide service with heartfelt care and concern for patients and for one another.
  • EXCELLENCE - Because every facet of human life is valued, we provide quality service in a professional and sensitive manner with concern for the whole person. We take pride in our work as we use our talents and skills to improve our ministry.
  • COMMITMENT - Because of our deep spiritual heritage, we are dedicated to improving the quality of health of communities, especially the poor and underserved. We use our resources responsibly and with integrity.
  • COLLABORATION - We provide services, address problems, and develop programs with a spirit of cooperation and teamwork with each other, our physicians, the community, and others involved in health care.

Our Philosophy

The philosophy of UK St. Claire, which flows from the conviction that God is the giver of life, is expressed through the hearts and hands of those who minister here.

Every facet of human life, from conception to natural death, is to be valued. Quality service and loving care are provided in support of life and death.

We believe that the needs of the whole person, physical, spiritual and psychosocial, are to be responded to according to professional standards and justice.

  • Quality services are rendered in a professional, compassionate manner with respect for the dignity of all.
  • Sensitivity and support for the total needs of the person are integral parts of the system of care.
  • Support for the poor and disadvantaged is pursued in all aspects of the operation of the health system.

We believe that the task entrusted to us brings responsibilities to share and develop.

  • Technological resources and knowledge are applied and shared to promote health.
  • Opportunities for growth through education and research are promoted.
  • Personal and technological resources are used in an efficient manner for the benefit of all.