During the PGY-1 year, residents will complete their Inpatient Pediatrics and Pediatric ER rotations at the University of Kentucky main campus in Lexington, KY.
The training philosophy, setting and approach of the UK St. Claire Family Medicine Residency Program is apprentice modeled. All curricula are competency-based per ACGME requirements.
Residents establish an outpatient practice at the Family Medicine Center located in Morehead. They develop a continuity panel of patients and see pediatric, OB, adult and geriatric patients throughout their 3 years of training.
Longitudinal experiences are emphasized in Inpatient and Outpatient Family Medicine, as well as Management for Health Systems and Dermatology. There are traditional block rotations in the following:
There is significant elective time as well. All residents are identified a rural faculty mentor who works with the resident in a coaching relationship throughout their three years of training. Mentors help residents identify specific training needs they may wish to strengthen throughout their experience.
Upper-level residents rotate hospital coverage in two- to four-week blocks for a total of 6 to 8 weeks per year, and are expected to follow their continuity patients in the hospital. Residents also rotate through two-week blocks of night float throughout the year for a total of 4 to 6 weeks. Upper-level residents also rotate call with the family medicine group once per month covering the rural St. Claire Family Medicine practice, including the practice's obstetrics patients and newborns.