At UK St. Claire (UKSC), we believe that in order to have a successful residency experience, the goals and expectations of the resident should align with those of the residency program and sponsoring institution. UKSC is the largest rural hospital in Eastern Kentucky and serves as a regional referral center. UKSC serves as a not-for-profit hospital. Students who have a willingness to learn, are highly motivated, have a strong work ethic and are eager to become competent members of interdisciplinary healthcare are encouraged to apply.
As a residency program, we are interested in enhancing the training of new practitioners. If you have any questions, representatives of the residency program attend various residency showcases throughout Kentucky and the surrounding states. Please contact your College of Pharmacy for dates of residency showcases and a list of participating programs.
We will also be in attendance at the Residency Showcase at the ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. Please refer to the ASHP website or program guide for specific dates and locations.
If you are unable to attend a residency showcase, contact Residency Program Director Tara Anderson Mains, PharmD, BCPS, at Tara.Mains@st-claire.org.
As an ASHP-accredited program, we participate in the Resident Matching Program. For more information about participation agreements, match rules and a schedule of dates, please refer to the National Matching Services website.
UKSC utilizes the PhORCAS (Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application Service) for all residency candidate applications. On-site interviews will begin being offered after the closing of PhORCAS application.
The author of letter of recommendation should strive to comment on as many of the following criteria as possible: