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Telehealth Grant Enhances Care Opportunities at UK St. Claire

Telehealth Grant Enhances Care Opportunities at UK St. Claire

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare systems across the world have changed the way they deliver care. UK St. Claire (SCH) has been no exception.

“When the pandemic began, the Information Technology team at SCH put in a lot of effort to support our clinical teams,” said Andy Price, SCH VP, Chief Information Officer. “We knew it was important to reach patients from a space they would be most comfortable, so that’s where technology comes into play.”

To support these efforts, SCH was awarded $308,894 from the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) COVID-19 Telehealth funding.

“One investment SCH had to make in order to offer care virtually was Zoom for healthcare,” said Price. “Funds have also been used for laptops, tablets, and other devices and software to ensure the virtual care system was effective and convenient for both our patients and staff.”

SCH continues to work to be innovative in the delivery of care to its 11-county service region through virtual visits, curbside visits, and other ways to reach patients who aren’t comfortable or aren’t able to travel to their doctor’s office.

“Funding to make virtual care possible benefits our entire community,” said Price. “We are appreciative to be able to offer the opportunity to our patients.”