UK St. Claire to Begin Offering COVID-19 Bivalent Booster

UK St. Claire to Begin Offering COVID-19 Bivalent Booster

Due to significantly changing variants of the SARS-CoV 2 (COVID-19) virus, the FDA and CDC now recommend people ages 12 years and older receive a bivalent mRNA booster. The bivalent booster, also referred to as an “updated booster,” contains two components to fight both the original strain of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the omicron variant.

Patients are eligible for the bivalent booster two months after the completion of a primary vaccination series or booster. Those recently diagnosed with COVID-19 may receive the bivalent booster once they are out of isolation and no longer experiencing symptoms.

While supply of the bivalent booster is currently limited, UK St. Claire hopes to begin offering the vaccine to the community in the coming weeks. Detailed information on how to schedule an appointment will be shared as soon doses are available on site.