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Smith and Gross Recognized by SND for Contributions to Community

Smith and Gross Recognized by SND for Contributions to Community

UK St. Claire is proud to have two members of its staff honored by the Sisters of Notre Dame (SND) ministries. Each year SND recognizes people within their organizations that exemplify the mission of the ministries in which they serve.

The Gospel Witness Award recognizes employees in the SND national network who give witness to Jesus’ spirit of compassion, hope, and joy, especially to those who experience poverty in its various forms. The award recipients reflect and nurture the Notre Dame Charism, spirit, and mission within their professional communities and among all with whom they minister.

The 2023 Gospel Witness Award was presented to Shellie Wilburn-Smith. As SCH’s Clinical Program Director of Behavioral Health, Wilburn-Smith’s work with mentally and behaviorally challenged patients is unwavering.

“Shellie reminds us that service to others is what Christ expects of us,” said Lerae Wilson, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, CPPS, Vice President of Patient Services and Chief Nursing Officer for SCH. “The deeply rooted poverty of our area can be the cause of not only depression but other mental and behavioral diagnoses. Shellie is acutely aware of this and works to ensure that each patient receives specialized attention and treatment.”

The Transformative Leadership Award recognizes employees in the SND national network who inspire hope and excellence as they lead others to a fuller, freer life. As catalysts for growth, these recipients inspire hearts and transform the lives of those with whom they minister. They demonstrate vision, and mission effectiveness, and have an exceptional, inspirational impact on themselves, God, and others.

The 2023 Transformative Leadership Award was presented to David Gross, SCH’s Administrative Director for Education and Research and Director of Northeast Kentucky AHEC. In 2022, Gross led his AHEC team to recognition as Kentucky’s Community Star by the National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health.

“David is deeply passionate about the people of this region and does everything he can to remove the barriers that keep them from pursuing their life goals,” said Donald H. Lloyd, II, SCH’s President/CEO. “Those barriers may be lack of access to healthcare, lack of hope to pursue a career in healthcare, and for those with substance use disorder, especially the incarcerated, lack of support to enter recovery.”

Congratulations to these admirable individuals for this well-deserved recognition for the contributions they have made to UK St. Claire and the communities it serves.