UK St. Claire Celebrates Catholic Sisters Week 2023

UK St. Claire Celebrates Catholic Sisters Week 2023

Fifty-two weeks a year religious women stand with the poor, disenfranchised, and immigrants, teach children, fight injustice, heal the sick, share spirituality, empower women, defend the planet, promote peace, create community, and offer hope. UK St. Claire (SCH) is delighted to highlight and honor these efforts throughout Catholic Sisters Week, March 8 – 14.

SCH has proudly been sponsored by the Sisters of Notre Dame since its opening day - July 1, 1963.

“Any Sister that has ever walked the halls of St. Claire over the years has made a true difference in the way we serve our communities throughout Eastern Kentucky,” said Donald H. Lloyd, II, SCH President/CEO. “Our Sisters have taught us how best to serve those in need clinically and spiritually.”

SCH is excited to celebrate all of the Sisters that have made a difference within the healthcare system, including those currently serving our ministry: Sr. Marla Monahan, SND, Chair of the SCH Board of Directors; Sr. Judine Lambert, SND, SCH VP of Missions and Director of Pastoral Care; Sr. Marge Mouch, SND, member of the SCH Board of Directors; and Sr. Janet Smith, SND, SCH Dietetic Technician.

The stories of these ladies will be shared throughout the week on SCH's social media accounts. To learn more about the Sisters of Notre Dame and the goodness they serve, visit