Daily Victories
- Author: Mom of a 4-year-old boy
- Date Submitted: Mar 30, 2021
- Category: Inpatient Rehabilitation

“ My favorite outcome by far is seeing the big brother he has turned into. We are so blessed to be a part of the Morehead community and the St. Claire rehab family!”
Through her patience and skill set, our occupational therapist, Beth, has helped my son learn how to communicate his needs to me in his everyday routine. As a mother, your child's needs are the most important part of your life, so for Beth to teach Noah how to help me help him, I feel like she helped make our family whole. I have seen him write his own name, use scissors, and put his own shoes on. Occupational therapy has taught my son life skills and academic skills. My favorite outcome by far is seeing the big brother he has turned into. He shows affection and concern for his little sister where he once used to completely ignore her. He includes her in his world and that means more to me than anything. We are so blessed to be a part of the Morehead community and the St. Claire rehab family!