Billing Information

Pay a Bill

Understanding healthcare bills can be overwhelming so it’s important to keep copies of all of your statements and bills together and carefully review each one as it arrives.
We will submit claims to your insurance company(s) on your behalf, providing we have all the necessary information. After your insurance company sends payment, we will send you a bill with the balance due. You will be responsible for any amount not paid by your insurance company(s) within 45 days, except where specifically prohibited by law. (Payment will be expected on the day of service for co-payments, deductibles and/or co-insurance as your insurance provider requires.)

Hospital Stays: You can expect to receive multiple bills for your hospital stay. You will receive a hospital bill that will include (but is not limited to) facility charges such as room and board, nursing services, laboratory services, and medical supplies related to your treatment. You will also receive additional bills from the physicians involved in your care which may include emergency physicians, radiologists, and other specialists.

Need help?

We understand that healthcare bills can be complicated. That’s why we’re here to help. If you have questions about a bill you’ve received, or are having trouble paying your bill, please let us know. Our financial counselors are available by calling 606.783.6554. Prefer to meet with someone face-to-face? Our Financial Counseling office, on the first floor of St. Claire Regional Medical Center (inside Patient Registration), is open Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Financial Assistance

If you don’t have health insurance or are under-insured, UK St. Claire's Financial Assistance Program may help pay for all or part of your medical services. All services must be medically necessary to qualify for financial assistance. For more information, speak with one of our financial counselors by calling 606.783.6554.

  • This program provides discounts based on the most recent Federal Poverty Guidelines (up to 200% FPG) and as adjusted by family size. If eligible for financial assistance, a discounted percentage of up to 100% will be placed on the patient balance.
  • In an effort to lessen the burden on the uninsured, UK St. Claire provides a 25% discount off total charges to all uninsured patients regardless of ability to pay. In the event that a patient does not qualify for financial assistance, a deduction of 60% will be applied to the patient balance.
  • UK St. Claire also has a catastrophic charity aid plan for patients that do not qualify for financial assistance, but have high medical bills. Medical bills that are more than 100% of the patients' annual household income are considered catastrophic.

Eligibility: All patients who reside within St. Claire's 11-county service region are eligible for financial assistance. Applicants are considered for financial assistance after all other avenues of payment have been exhausted. Patients living outside the service region may be eligible for assistance only in emergency situations, and must be approved prior to the services being rendered.

Download an Application

Financial Assistance Checklist

Billing & Collections Policy

Financial Assistance Summary

Provider Financial Assistance Locations

Limitation on Charges

Return applications to:

UK St. Claire
Attn: Patient Financial Services
222 Medical Circle
Morehead, KY 40351

Emergency or Medically Necessary Care

Any patient seeking urgent or emergent care at UK St. Claire will be treated without discrimination and without regard to a patient's ability to pay for care.