St. Claire Cardiac Rehabilitation provides individualized programs designed to help patients recover after any heart-related event. St. Claire's cardiac rehabilitation team develops and monitors exercise, education and counseling sessions designed to improve patients' heart health. Family members play an important role in the recovery process and are encouraged to participate. A supportive atmosphere helps patients reach their goals and achieve long-term success.
Cardiac rehabilitation is separated into three phases, each focusing on specific stages of the recovery process. Patients will begin the program in the phase that best fits their stage of recovery.
In-hospital therapy begins within days of a cardiac event. This phase of the program includes exercise and education about decreasing your potential for a second cardiac event.
Following a doctor's referral, an individualized exercise plan is designed for each patient. At the doctor’s discretion, patients may also undergo a graded exercise test. During telemetry-monitored exercise programs, the patient wears a monitor that allows us to see your heart rate. Information such as breathing, blood pressure, and blood oxygen saturation is also gathered at the completion of each exercise. This information allows trained staff to adjust exercises to best fit each patient. This portion of the program is covered by most insurance companies.
Patients participate in the wellness phase to help maintain their commitment to a healthy lifestyle. The cardiac rehabilitation team continues to monitor each patient and encourage individuals to exercise one to three times a week. Patients who consistently exercise demonstrate ongoing benefits to their physical and emotional health. Patients are financially responsible for this portion of the program.