Don't let chronic joint pain hold you back from doing the things you love. When non-surgical options are no longer managing your condition, surgical treatments, including joint replacements, may dramatically decrease your pain and improve your quality of life.
Hip replacement is a common surgery, with more than 400,000 procedures performed in the United States each year. Surgeons may choose from different approaches to perform patient surgeries. The anterior approach to hip replacement, which is available at St. Claire Healthcare, is a minimally invasive surgical technique in which surgeons makes an incision at the front of the hip and work between the muscles to keep them intact, instead of working through the buttocks or side of the hip as is common with traditional hip replacement procedures.
Anterior total hip arthroplasty is a technology-assisted, minimally invasive procedure for hip replacement surgery that is associated with less pain, faster recovery, a reduced length of hospital stay, and the need for fewer narcotics to relieve pain after surgery compared to patients who have undergone traditional hip replacement surgery.
Find out if anterior total hip arthroplasty may be right for you. Call 606.780.5500 to request a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon at UK St. Claire.