As a not-for-profit integrated health system, UK St. Claire depends greatly on gifts from people like you. Whether it’s through monetary donations, gifts-in-kind, or by volunteering your time in service to others, you are making a difference in the lives of patients and their families throughout our service region.
UK St. Claire welcomes gifts-in-kind that benefit our patients. If you are interested in making a gift-in-kind donation, contact the St. Claire Foundation at 606.783.6512 for more information.
Memorial gifts are a heartfelt way to commemorate the life of a friend, colleague, loved one, or healthcare provider while also supporting UK St. Claire’s mission. Honorary gifts are a special way to acknowledge milestones such as birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or special events, or to thank a physician, nurse, or caregiver for exceptional care.
When you make a memorial or honorary gift to St. Claire, we will send a card acknowledging your gift to the person you designate.
No matter the size, your gifts make a difference at UK St. Claire.
Each year, the St. Claire Foundation is able to provide financial resources for new services, medical equipment, continuing education for staff, and improved environments of care thanks to the annual gifts of generous donors like you.
Annual contributions to the St. Claire Greatest Need Fund are unrestricted gifts, meaning they are used where the need is greatest at the time to support St. Claire’s mission to proclaim God's goodness through a healing ministry to the people of Eastern Kentucky.
You may choose for your gift to be restricted to a specific purpose. A number of restricted funds have already been established, including:
St. Claire Charity Care Fund
Contributions to the St. Claire Care Fund allow us to provide medical care and services for truly indigent families. Many of our friends and neighbors throughout our service region are in desperate need of medical care, yet do not have the means to pay for it. Last year, UK St. Claire provided $10.6 million in charity and uncompensated care, at cost.
Education Funds
Gifts to a St. Claire education fund support scholarship opportunities and community health education programs. Examples of scholarship funds established through the St. Claire Foundation include:
Markwell Endowment for Women's and Children's Services
Gifts to this endowment are used to continually enhance the services St. Claire offers to women and children.
Together, we can improve the lives of those we serve today while ensuring that programs are in place for the healthcare needs of future generations.
Making a major or planned gift to UK St. Claire may be easier than you realize.
You can make a gift of money, property, appreciated stock or insurance to the St. Claire Foundation, or you can establish a charitable gift annuity, which can result in immediate tax benefits while providing you and your designated beneficiary with a steady stream of income for life.
When you meet with your financial advisor to develop your budget or retirement plan, or when consulting with your attorney to design your will, we hope you'll ask them to help you provide a gift to St. Claire to ensure that your children and grandchildren have the quality medical care that you have experienced.
Employer matching gift programs can double or even triple your contribution to UK St. Claire. Check with your employer to see if your gifts to St. Claire qualify, or contact the St. Claire Foundation at 606.783.6512 for more information.
By using services like Kroger Community Rewards, you automatically make a donation to St. Claire every time you shop without spending another penny!
You already know your Plus card earns you big discounts in store and at the pump, but you may not realize your Kroger Plus card can earn big rewards for St. Claire. With your help, St. Claire could earn up to $200,000 a year to improve the lives of our patients and their families. Sign up today for Kroger Community Rewards and encourage your friends and family to do the same!
How to Sign Up
You can also enroll in the Kroger Community Rewards program by calling 800.576.4377 and selecting option #3.
Learn More
For more information on how you can support the St. Claire Foundation, call
606.783.6512 or email
stclairefoundation@st-claire.org. Gifts to the foundation are tax-deductible (to the extent provided for
by applicable law).